Tuesday 20 January 2015

Yankee Candle Girl Scout Cookie Candles Will Blow Your Mind

Every time Girl Scout cookie season comes around, we can pretty much count on losing money and gaining a few inches on our waist lines. And even when the season's over, we can still satisfy our hankering for the delicious cookies by drinking them as milk, ordering them online, and, as of Tuesday, buying them in the form of a candle.

Yankee Candle and Girl Scouts of the USA just announced the Girl Scout Cookies Limited Edition Candle Collection, otherwise known as the tastiest partnership ever AND a great way to get the cookie without the calories. The four fragrances, Thin Mint, Trefoils, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Coconut Caramel Stripes, will be sold on the Yankee Candle website, at over 500 Yankee Candle stores and some special retailers.

Here's what you need to know::

1. Thin Mints


2. Coconut Caramel Stripes


3. Trefoils


4. Chocolate Peanut Butter


The candles will sell from $15.99 (for the tumbler size) to $27.99 for a large candle. They'll also last WAY longer than your average cookie, as the candles can burn for up to 50 hours for the small version and 150 hours for the large. If you want cookies for your car, there's also a Girl Scout Cookie air freshener.

But whatever you do, just make sure you absolutely, under no circumstances eat the candle -- no matter how delicious they smell, they're still made of wax.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/20/yankee-candle-girl-scout-cookies_n_6508582.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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