Tuesday 20 January 2015

Working At A Dildo Factory Is Exactly As Fun As It Sounds Like (NSFW)

We are going to spend exactly as much time writing about this look inside a sex toy factory as you will spend watching it.

For the helplessly captivated, here is an extremely close look at a dildo factory in North Hollywood by BuzzFeed contributor Natasha Vargas-Cooper. It contains titillating nuggets such as:

"...the young man wraps his fingers around the flared base of each mold, flexes his forearm, gives a quick tug, and POP! The silicone emerges from its casing, matte, wiggling, and warm."

Here is a rundown of highlights from the video, for the lazy:

0:07 -- An object gets reamed

0:14 -- Yanked from the mold

0:18 -- Dippin' & detailin'

0:29 -- Unexpected guests

0:38 -- They call this the pleasure bath

0:40 -- Stacks on stacks on stacks

0:43 -- Thread the needle

0:46 -- Heads up, Harold!

Thanks, Reddit!

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/20/dildo-factory-video_n_6507058.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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