Tuesday 20 January 2015

Prankster Dad Turns His House Into A Giant Ball Pit

A quarter of a million plastic balls and an elaborate prank transformed one dad’s home into a giant ball pit (aka every little kid’s ultimate fantasy).

With the help of family and his two young boys, YouTube prankster Roman Atwood recently filled his house with about 250,000 colored balls. The objective? To shock the socks off his girlfriend Brittney when she got home.

Unsurprisingly, Atwood succeeded in achieving this goal (watch the video above to see Brittney’s priceless reaction); but before doing so, he and his kids made the most out of their new ball-filled playground.



Watching their fun, we almost feel tempted to follow in Atwood's footsteps -- but let's be real: Can you imagine the clean-up effort? Now that's certainly going to be an epic undertaking!

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/20/roman-atwood-ball-pit-house-prank_n_6508934.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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