Wednesday 21 January 2015

Little Boy Rejects Crush Because 'I Don't Know Myself Yet'

Today's cute kid note is an unexpectedly frank and profound take on young love.

Title: Not Ready For Love

Authors + Recipients: Jade and her classmate/potential love interest

Age: 11

The Backstory: Young Jade gave her elementary school classmate a note with a straightforward question ("Do you like me?") and two simple answer options ("Yes" or "No"). But the boy's response went in an entirely different direction. Lindsay, a friend of Jade's parents, posted the note to Reddit, where it quickly rose up to the #1 trending spot.

Wise Beyond His Years: Following the philosophy of "You have to find yourself before you can find love," Jade's classmate already has a stronger grasp on the makings of a successful relationship than many more experienced adults.

kid love note

"I don't know. I don't know myself yet. Plus I'm under a lot of stress at home so, I can't tell.

"P.S. You don't know yourself until you're 18."

H/T Reddit

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