Friday 16 January 2015

Kids Get All 'Sam I Am' About Trying Escargot

Escargot. You either love ‘em or hate ‘em -- or you’ll never, ever, ever agree to try them.

Just ask this group of kids who bravely sampled some cooked snails -- most of them for the first time ever -- in the latest episode of “Kids vs. Food” by YouTube’s TheFineBros.

“They smell like sewer,” declared one little girl after sniffing the sauce-covered mollusks.

“That was the worst thing I’ve ever had,” concluded another kid after taking a bite.

His face said it even better:


Not all the children were quite so put off by the escargot experience, however.

That was “better than I expected,” conceded one kid.

"Tastes like an eyeball. ... Mmm, it's good," said another.

Love or hate escargot? Tell us in the comments!

Source: and provided by

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