Monday 8 December 2014

This Pen Lets You Doodle On Your Food, So Now You Can Make Latte Art At Home

Ever wish your food had a bit more flair? Man, me too. I find myself longing for a home-brewed cup of coffee that's artfully presented, say topped off with a doodle of a mouse or something.

The CinniBird -- "the world's first and only spice pen" -- might be the answer. The pen lets you decorate dishes and drinks with ground materials like cinnamon, paprika, cocoa powder and sugar. It funnels the materials into a thin stream, making it simple to add a little pizzaz to pretty much anything. To use it, just fill the little gadget with the ground ingredient of your choosing, press the button and voila! With a steady hand, you're ready to create a doodle, write a message or play tic-tac-toe with a pal if you like. You could even fill it with colored sugars and compose pretty designs on your cookies and cakes.


The kitschy kitchen tool has already exceeded its goal of $5,000 goal on KickStarter and is currently available for purchase for $34.90.

Watch the video below to see the spice pen in action.

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Source: and provided by

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