Wednesday 10 December 2014

Bride On Craigslist Seeks Half A Dozen Corgis For Cutest Wedding Of 2015

Corgis can pretty much make any situation better and cuter -- it's their god-given talent. If there's any doubt in your mind, please refer to Exhibits A, B, C and D.

Weddings are no exception. So we weren't the least bit surprised when we saw one Boston bride's Craigslist post seeking six "sociable" corgis for her April wedding. According to the post, the plan is to have the bridesmaids hold the pups in lieu of traditional bouquets at the ceremony, which sounds like a stroke of genius. You can read the full text below:

This next April, I will be getting married to the man of my dreams and we will be having the most wonderful storybook wedding that Boston has ever seen. The icing on the cake is sweet, but there's one thing that would be even sweeter than that. Traditionally, bridesmaids' hold bouquets; in our wedding, I want them to hold corgis.

Unfortunately, I do not have enough corgis for my bridesmaids. I require six more in order to make this dream come true. I'm looking to rent six corgis for roughly two and a half hours during the ceremony. Because this a my dream wedding, price is negotiable and I appreciate your understanding. Please reach out to me if you have six sociable corgis which you would be willing to rent out. These animals would be treated perfectly, and I would love to get us all together to familiarize ourselves with each other.

In addition to pay, I would be happy to also share some cake with you.

The Huffington Post reached out to this corgiphile but did not hear back at the time of publication. We, too, are wondering if her search was fruitful -- and also if we will be "corgially" invited to the wedding.

H/T Jezebel

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