Tuesday 29 July 2014

Here's Proof That Beautiful Art Is Hiding In The Most Mundane Of Places, Even Your Laundry

Artist Yvette Meltzer is probably not the first person to become hypnotized by the revolving wonder of a packed washing machine. The spinning colors and blurred forms can quickly transform into faces, figures and landscapes, if you stare at the clothes long enough. Any urban dweller cursed with frequenting laundromats can tell you that.

But Meltzer just might be one of the only photographers to turn the turning machinery into a two-year long photographic adventure. Titled "Revolutions," the series is part documentary, part abstract experimentation, capturing a banal moment that stands on its own as hidden piece of art.


The project began one chilly winter in Chicago, when Meltzer decided laundromats might be a great place to search for portrait subjects. According to Slate, the "Revolutions" she caught in motion took her by surprise -- it wasn't until she arrived at her computer post-shoot that she realized how "Rorshach"-esque her passing photos of moving washers and dryers were.

"I enjoy the convergence of color, light, and form whether in the form of a person, place or object," Meltzer writes on her website. "I find that looking through the lens I see images that escape my naked eye."

"Even as a child I wanted to share my vision, asking my family member to 'look at this' or 'to look at that,'" Meltzer explained to The Huffington Post. "Now with a camera I am able to illustrate what it is I see and to share it with others."

Scroll through Meltzer's surprisingly poignant portraits of laundry below and let us know your thoughts on the series in the comments.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/29/yvette-meltzer_n_5614464.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News

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