Tuesday 22 July 2014

Extreme Close-Ups Reveal Remarkable Elegance Of Insects

Humans of New York, created by Brandon Stanton, seems to have inspired quite the portrait photography trend across the Internet. We are fascinated by discovering the inner feelings and lives of people who are complete strangers to us. Maybe that's what makes Yudy Sauw's portraits of insects -- yes, insects -- so fascinating.

The photos, taken by Sauw at his home in Banten, Indonesia, can be challenging to look at for those of us that find bugs terrifying, but there is something enchanting about getting close like this. Just as Stanton's photos and conversations pull us close to people we pass on the street and see more of who they are, Sauw's photos bring us into close quarters with creatures we ignore, swat at or never even see. Looking into their big, weird eyes, we see that they are so much more than stings and bites.

Of course, climate change has the ability to impact the insect population in Indonesia and around the world. Rising temperatures may actually increase the area that insects inhabit. This is good for the bugs, but bad for us, as it could mean more insect-spread illnesses and more pests on farms.

Below we present our mash-up of Sauw's photos and Stanton's quotes in what we're calling "Bugs of Banten."

"I once had a small role in a Darren Aronofsky film. I was a warlord." (Source)

"All I want is a girlfriend, a place to work, and a glass of wine at night." (Source)

"I’ve been training in martial arts for 24 years. And I’ve never once been in a fight outside the academy." (Source)

"Sometimes I’m not sure how to ask for help, without making them think they made the wrong decision in hiring me." (Source)

"When I have to work, the weather’s great. Day off? Weather sucks." (Source)

"I just want to stop working." (Source)

"What’s your best quality?"

"My body." (Source)

"If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?"

"Have sex with as many people as possible." (Source)

"I’m a little headstrong at work, which can get me in trouble with my manager. But if my way works just fine, why do we have to do things his way?" (Source)

"I don’t take selfies. Not that I have anything against them. My arms are just too short." (Source)

"I’m sure I’d be less jealous if I was more confident." (Source)

"The haters are going to be so mad when I make my millions." (Source)

"There’s a lot of competition out here." (Source)

"Should I do my dinosaur face?"

"Yes." (Source)

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/22/insect-extreme-close-up-photography_n_5607155.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News

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