Friday 25 July 2014

Daniel Radcliffe Opens Up About Losing His Virginity

"Harry Potter" actor Daniel Radcliffe spoke candidly about losing his virginity in a new interview with Elle magazine.

The 25-year-old sat down to discuss his journey from child star to seasoned adult actor, and opened up about his first sexual experience along the way:

"I’m one of the few people who seem to have had a really good first time," the actor said when asked if he'd change anything about the way he lost his virginity. "It was with somebody I’d gotten to know well," he continued. "I’m happy to say I’ve had a lot better sex since then, but it wasn’t as horrendously embarrassing as a lot of other people’s were --- like my friend who got drunk and did it with a stranger under a bridge."

Radcliffe's newest film, "What If," is a modern day romantic comedy co-starring Zoe Kazan which poses before it the question of whether men and women can be friends, similar to "When Harry Met Sally." When asked for his take on the subject, Radcliffe said the inquiry should be broken down into two parts:

"Can women and men be friends? Absolutely. I have tons of women friends whom I have not had sex with nor do I have the impulse to," the actor said. "Can men and women who are romantically or sexually attracted to each other be friends without that ever becoming an issue?" he continued. "That’s a lot more difficult. Ultimately, in that situation, a conversation has to happen. For me it would, because otherwise I would go insane."

For more with Daniel Radcliffe, head over to Elle, and check out "What If," in theaters Aug. 8.


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