Friday 25 July 2014

Artist 'Stitches' Faces Together To Create Eerily Normal Looking People

It's obvious the subjects in the photo series Metamorfoza are not quite...right. But they're not as off as you'd think, considering the methods employed by Ino Zeljak, the Zagreb-based student behind the project.


Using Photoshop, Zeljak merged portraits of two different people shot in similar lighting conditions. To do so, he overlapped the images, often duplicating one person's hair and clothing to share between the two. Some of the pairs were genetically related, others were strangers.


In an email to HuffPost, Zeljak said he was trying to show the range of possibility in the human face. The effect is startling. You think you're viewing a standard portrait, "but when you look at it a bit closer you see something different and strange."


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