Monday, 8 August 2022

Canadian Man Uses Giant Billboard To Get Rid Of Leftover Dairy Product In Fridge

var label_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0 = "ctx-wait-62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0"; var defer_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0 = document.currentScript; console.time(label_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0); window.waitForGlobal( () => window.HP && window.HP.params && window.HP.params.clientUUID && window.localStorage && defer_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0 && defer_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0.parentElement.dataset.ready === "true", () => { console.timeEnd(label_62ee5e85e4b09d09a2c43ed0); “It’s a pretty good cheese string. I haven’t seen a cheese string in a long time, and I think, you know, it’s of some value. I wanted to get rid of it,” Domingo told Narcity.A Toronto man rented out a Yonge and Dundas billboard to advertise that his cheese string is up for trade— 6ixBuzzTV (@6ixbuzztv) August 4, 2022 The ad, placed in Toronto’s billboard-laden Yonge-Dundas Square, asked Canadians if they wanted to trade for the Black Diamond brand dairy product with “no lowballs.”Man buys large billboard in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square to trade single cheese string @globalnewsto— Simon Ostler (@SimonOstler) August 4, 2022 Advertisement Domingo admitted the string cheese is the “strangest thing” he’s ever had to offer, but the billboard, which went live earlier this week, has caused offers to appear in “droves,” according to Global News.Some of the offers have included Persian cats, someone’s girlfriend and a unique box of Lucky Charms cereal, he told Narcity.“[They] said they would pick through it, so it was only charms. I thought that was pretty nice, but if I had the time, I’d do that myself,” Domingo said.Domingo wouldn’t tell the Canadian news outlets how much he paid for the billboard but he’s still awaiting the right trade.“I’ve been telling everybody the same thing when they asked me what I’m looking for. … It’s like you’ll know when you see it,” Domingo said

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