Tuesday, 22 May 2018

These Are The Mother's Day Gifts Your Weird Mom Really Wants

Mother’s Day can be a mother of a day when it comes to gift shopping.

Sure, you could go for generic items, like flowers, brunch or perfume, but that just sends Mom a message: You’re a cookie-cutter generic female.

We know that’s not the case: Your mom is one of a kind. How else could she create a weirdo like you? (That’s meant to be a compliment.)

So show Mom you know you appreciate her wacky side by giving her a gift on Mother’s Day that reflects it. 

HuffPost Weird News is here to lend a hand with the following strange gift suggestions. You don’t have to thank us now.

Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/weird-mothers-day-gifts_us_5aebc5c3e4b0ab5c3d63a1d6 ... and provided by video-cutter-online.com

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