Friday 12 June 2015

This Crazy 'Jurassic World' Theory Actually Makes A Lot Of Sense

While "Jurassic World" is just making its way into theaters, theories are already taking over the Internet faster than the dinos took over the original park.

Some of the wildest theories include the Barbasol can from the original movie somehow playing a major role. Other fans think the reason the kids are headed to the park is because it's "Coupon Day."

Though a lot of them just seem like wishful thinking, life keeps finding a way for one theory in particular:

Chris Pratt's "Jurassic World" character is the little kid Dr. Grant scares in the original "Jurassic Park."

Image: Vanity Fair

The theory about the true identity of Chris Pratt's character, Owen, started gaining a lot of momentum after the trailer came out. Reddit user farceur318 explains:

In the upcoming Jurassic World, Chris Pratt's character, a velociraptor trainer, is the chubby kid that Grant [Sam Neill] frightens at the beginning of the original film. Grant tells him to "have a little respect" for raptors, and in the trailers for "Jurassic World," Pratt's character describes his relationships with the parks raptors as "a relationship based on respect."

The trailer isn't the only supporting evidence. Whit Hertford, now 36, is the actor who played the role of the kid, billed as "Volunteer Boy" in the original movie. He and Chris Pratt are only 1 year apart in age (Pratt is 35), so the timing works out pretty well. Plus, released clips from the movie may also hint at some sort of connection.

tv show gifs

Image: YouTube/Universal

In "Jurassic Park," Grant tells the kid about the raptor attack patterns, warning him to watch out for an attack from the sides. As you can see in clips, Chris Pratt specifically thwarts a side attack while saving a new employee in the movie.

Everyone loves the theory so much that even "Jurassic World" director Colin Trevorrow wouldn't dispel it after being asked by movie website /Film, saying, "I'm not sure I want to answer because the speculation is so much fun. Let's not kill the fun."

Image: /Film

Even with all the support, there's at least one person who isn't too amused. It's the striped-shirt "annoying" kid himself, Hertford.

The actor, who currently stars in the short film "Wildlife," told The Huffington Post: "I think it's a stretch. This face doesn't turn into a blonde matinee idol. I'm not dead. Not retired. Perfectly capable of resuming that character if asked. And after enduring 20 years of being known as 'the fat, annoying kid' ... Pretty sure fans would highly enjoy that, if done properly."

For fans who do want to see old characters return, Hertford has the perfect solution for future "Jurassic World" movies: "Kill me off! Kill that guy off because everybody hates that character. I think that would be the greatest thing in the world."

What do you think? Is this theory headed for extinction? Or did someone put "Volunteer Boy" in charge of the raptors?

Image: Giphy

H/T: /Film

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