Tuesday 24 March 2015

Guy Gets Kicked Off A Southwest Airlines Flight For Profane 'Broad City' T-Shirt

Fellow Americans, freedom of speech does not apply to every situation.

New York college student Daniel Podolsky discovered this the hard way when he was kicked off his Southwest Airlines flight on the way back from South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, after refusing to remove a "Broad City" T-shirt that prominently displayed an expletive. Podolsky told the local St. Louis Fox station that he wasn't given a chance to conceal the message in any way.

“It just happened so fast. Within 30 seconds the flight was gone," he said. "I mean I would have gladly done so.”

However, a video provided by Podolsky himself tells a different story:

Southwest Airlines' contract of carriage forbids "lewd, obscene, or patently

offensive" clothing and behavior. Sorry, Podolksy. Next time save the shirt for when you're safely back home in Brooklyn.

H/T Uproxx

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/kick-off-southwest-flight-broad-city-shirt_n_6933674.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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