Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Story Of One Nebraska Family's Fight To Keep A Blind Baby Goat At Home

In an emotional turn of events, a family in Neligh, Nebraska, has been allowed to keep a blind baby goat in their home for another month after they petitioned the city council to alter a local ordinance banning goats within city limits.

According to local news station KTIV, Rebecca and David Williams fell in love with Gizmo the goat when they encountered him on a farm in nearby Elgin. Gizmo, who is now a month old, had reportedly been abandoned by his mother and had been hurt after being trampled by other members of his herd.

Totally enamored with the baby animal and wanting to offer him a better life, the couple decided to adopt Gizmo and took the little fellow home with them.

The baby goat quickly settled into domestic life, endearing himself to the Williams family. "He's not loud. He doesn't make a mess. He doesn't stink. He's just super sweet, and I think anybody that meets him will just fall in love with him," Rebecca Williams told KTIV.

But though Gizmo’s new life was off to a fine start, there was one major issue looming over the kid's new family: keeping goats is illegal in the city of Neligh.

Refusing to be discouraged by the ordinance, the Williams family launched a petition asking the city council to allow them to keep Gizmo in their home and rallied members of their community to their cause.

This week, the story of the family’s love for their pet goat has gone viral in Nebraska and beyond.

On Tuesday, the Williamses -- with the encouragement of a “large crowd of supporters,” according to radio station US92 -- brought their petition before the city council. The family said they hoped the council would consider either changing the ordinance or making an exception for Gizmo, given his special needs.

In the end, the council was willing to offer a limited compromise. According to US92, the council made the “emotional decision” to allow Gizmo to stay with the Williams family for 30 more days.

“We do appreciate the city for allowing us to keep him so he can get stronger and hopefully he will be able to thrive out on the farm later on,” David Williams was quoted as saying.

Big Apple Radio reports Gizmo will return to the Elgin farm once the 30 days are up. The farm has reportedly agreed to provide a protective cage for the blind animal, and the Williamses say that they will continue to be in the goat's life.

“He will go back to the farm I got him from, in a specially made pen and he will be my goat,” said Rebecca Williams, per US92.

Source: and provided by

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