Tuesday 10 February 2015

'Serial Stowaway' Sneaks Onto Yet Another Flight, Checks Into Resort

Marilyn Hartman doesn't let a little thing like airport security get in the way of her travel plans.

Dubbed the "Serial Stowaway," Hartman has been arrested several times for attempting to sneak onto flights across the country or loitering at airports without a ticket. This time, the 63-year-old Californian allegedly got past security and took a flight from Minnesota to Jacksonville, Florida, and checked into someone else's hotel room, Fox News reports.

She was charged with impersonation, defrauding an innkeeper, and trespassing, Nassau County Sheriff's deputies said Monday.

Investigators say Hartman boarded a flight in Minneapolis-St. Paul to Jacksonville Sunday without buying a ticket. When she landed, she allegedly boarded a shuttle bus to the swank Omni Amelia Island Plantation Hotel, where she fibbed her way into a $300 villa.

The jig was up hours later when the real guest arrived, but Hartman disappeared when hotel staff tried to contact her, according to USA Today. Police found her on Monday, reportedly in a ground-floor room that was under renovation.

At this point, Hartman is a skilled stowaway.

Cops say she violated her probation terms that were handed down in August after she tried four times in one day to sneak onboard a flight from San Jose to Los Angeles. She succeeded on the fourth try by sneaking through security checkpoints with a family.

That arrest didn't stop her, either. The following day, security found her wandering through terminals without a ticket at Los Angeles International Airport. She was sentenced to 117 days in jail for violating probation, but was shortly released due to jail overcrowding.

Then, four days later, she was found by airport security -- in Phoenix -- wandering around the terminals without a ticket. She was slapped with a trespass warning, but she was later arrested for again attempting to hang around the airport.

The Transportation Security Administration is investigating how Hartman was able to get on Sunday's flight in Minnesota and others.

Lawyers have said that Hartman is a loner who has no family or kids, and have requested mental health evaluations in the past.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/10/serial-stowaway-marilyn-hartman_n_6653382.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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