Friday 14 November 2014

White People Think Black People Are Magical

While the world still has plenty of explicitly racist people, social scientists have known for a while that racial discrepancies can persist even when everyone is saying kind things about diversity. Often, prejudice is the result of split-second, gut-level decision-making rather than the acts of bad people with malicious intentions. A recent study in Social Psychological and Personality Science casts an interesting new light on this: White people apparently have a "superhumanization bias" when it comes to black people — that is, they associate them with superhuman abilities.

In a series of five studies, some involving so-called implicit association tests in which words are flashed on a screen quickly enough to "prime" a subject with their meaning but not for them to consciously understand what they have seen, the researchers showed that whites are quicker to associate blacks than whites with superhuman words like ghost, paranormal, and spirit; are more likely to think a black person as opposed to a white person has certain superhuman abilities; and that the more they think blacks are superhuman, the less they view black people as having a capacity to feel pain.

Source: and provided by

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