Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A CBS San Francisco Reporter Just Expensed $600 Worth Of Marijuana

A CBS San Francisco reporter just expensed a $600 marijuana buying spree, and the station signed off on it.

Reporter Mike Sugerman made the dooby-ious purchase for a report broadcast Monday on KPIX 5. He used his medical marijuana card at Bay Area dispensaries to buy a wide range of products, the potency of which was then tested in a lab.

"They [the bosses] actually were cool with it," Sugerman told a fellow KPIX reporter of the unconventional buy.

Sugerman's report revealed that the marijuana edibles he had legally purchased contained far less THC than their labels indicated, and that the smokable marijuana buds were riddled with mold and pesticides.

Expensing marijuana may be a sign of the times, but other news outlets covering cannabis are more inclined to bogart the company credit card.

In Colorado, which began allowing the sale of recreational marijuana this year, The Denver Post doesn't just hand over a blank check to cannabis critics. Ricardo Baca, who edits the paper's marijuana section, "The Cannabist," told The Huffington Post in an email that reviewers don't have an expense account.

"Our critics' weed purchases come out of their freelance, per-article wages -- that's how The Denver Post pays its food and beer freelance journalists, too," he said.

Oh, and as for the $600 worth of marijuana KPIX put on its tab, Sugerman says the lab kept it all. And while that may sound like a buzzkill for some, it's better than the time Coloradoan reporter Trevor Hughes purchased marijuana for a news segment in January -- when the first recreational weed retailers opened in the state -- then immediately went to the Larimer County Sheriff's Office and had it destroyed.

WATCH CBS San Francisco's full report, below:

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/18/reporter-expenses-weed-marijuana_n_6180190.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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