Friday, 31 October 2014

Rush Limbaugh Has A Despicable Take On Viral Catcalling Video

Just when you thought Rush Limbaugh had insulted women enough.

During an Oct. 30 segment of "The Rush Limbaugh Show," Limbaugh responded to the viral video of a woman being harassed while walking in New York City with a chain of decidedly offensive comments.

"Most of it was just men being polite," he said, adding he didn't think the bulk of the comments were particularly aggressive. "You see a pretty woman; you react to it."

He went on to deem street harassment the failure of modern feminism.

"What we are living here in the middle of is the failure -- a massive failure -- of modern day feminism," he said. "Modern day feminism was going to protect women from this kind of mean-spirited, extremist, boorish, predatory behavior, and it hasn't."

And then declared his "love" for the women's movement with this: "People misunderstand me and the women's movement," Limbaugh said. "I love the women's movement, especially when walking behind it."

In addition, when a woman called in to share her experience, Limbaugh -- who said he'd never catcalled a woman because he thinks it's "cheap" -- asserted he was skeptical of the frequency of street harassment in the city.

"I've walked a couple of feet in New York, now and then," he said. "I may have even walked a whole block once ... I didn't see it happening to any other woman, is my point. I've never seen it. I'm not denying that it happens. Don't misunderstand."

No words.

H/T Media Matters Source:

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