Tuesday 30 December 2014

Argentina President, Christina Kirchner, Has Bizarre Werewolf Mishap

Reports that the president of Argentina adopted a boy as her godson to prevent him from becoming a werewolf may have been greatly exaggerated.

On December 23, Argentine president Christina Kirchner adopted Yair Tawil, 21, as her godson, as part of a tradition that has been performed in the country for more than 100 years.

Tradition dictates that the president adopts the seventh son or daughter of family as a godchild. That child gets a medal and education up to the age of 21.

Until 2009, the tradition was only available to Catholics, but Tawil was the first Jewish person to be adopted by the Argentine president, according to the Independent.

But what Kirchner described as a "magical moment" on Twitter has become a hairy situation thanks to some confusion.

It seems there is another Argentine tradition called "El Lobison"; a belief that a family's seventh son turns into a werewolf starting on the first Friday after the boy's 13th birthday, and every full moon thereafter, the New York Daily News.

The belief was allegedly so widespread in the 19th century that parents would kill the seventh son to prevent a future teenage werewolf.

It's a great story, but the two customs are not related, according to Argentine historian Daniel Balmaceda.

“The local myth of the lobison is not in any way connected to the custom that began over 100 years ago by which every seventh son (or seventh daughter) born in Argentina becomes godchild to the president,” Balmaceda told the Guardian.

That detail didn't stop the Independent from blending the two separate customs and reporting that Kirchner adopted Tawil to prevent him from becoming a werewolf.

Other media outlets, including UPI.com, the New York Daily News, BuzzFeed and HuffPost UK reported that the president adopted Tamir specifically to keep him from becoming a werewolf.

It's probably not true, but Kirchner has not commented on the werewolf confusion, and neither has any werewolf.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/29/christina-kirchner-werewo_n_6392688.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com

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