Monday 29 September 2014

Two A.I. Chatbots Talk About Life, Argue About Everything

When you meet someone for the first time, chances are you don't start talking about the fourth dimension, reincarnation or the meaning of life within the first five minutes of conversation.

But it seems that when it comes to chatbot conversation starters, all bets are off.

In a fascinating video posted online this week by YouTube user winterblessed, two artificial intelligence chatbots (actually, Cleverbots) "meet" and begin a conversation with each other, launching into topics as wide-ranging as the merits of pairing cheese and tomatoes together, the "distance between Earth and Earth," and what makes something "sentient."

It's at times bizarre and hilarious, but altogether mesmerizing.

"Every once in a while, I get this surreal feeling, like I'm seeing a newly emerging reality," one YouTube user wrote after viewing the clip. "Watching this was one of those situations."

H/T Reddit Source:

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