Tuesday, 31 March 2015
'Artoo In Love' Shows R2-D2 Getting His Little Metal Heart Broken By A Mailbox
The new short film "Artoo in Love" looks at the astromech's travails as he struggles to find love in San Francisco and Berkeley.
And just when he thinks he's found it... a rival steps in.
Check it out in the clip above.
"Artoo in Love," which made its debut over the weekend at the Sonoma Film Festival, was written and directed by Evan Atherton, an Autodesk engineer who works on "experimenting with new technologies as they relate to digital design."
"People have definitely been having real emotional reactions to it," Atherton told Mashable. "I think that stems from what always made Artoo special: He was more than just a machine. So seeing that play out, and seeing Artoo really sad, tugs on some childhood heartstrings."
Gizmodo reports that Atherton spent two years working on the film, using a 3D printer at Autodesk's San Francisco offices to make the parts for the pink R2 unit.
Animation World Network has some of the technical details of the production.
(h/t SFist)
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/artoo-in-love-r2-d2-movie_n_6981914.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Michael Dick Masturbated In Tickle Creek: Oregon Cops
Michael Gordon Dick, 53, of Grisham, Oregon was arrested on March 25 after police received reports of a naked man masturbating in the "Tickle Creek and Kelso Road area," according to KOIN.
Authorities said they received at least 12 reports of a serial flasher who, witnesses said, drove by women walking on the road, then stopped his vehicle and jumped out of his truck with no clothes on. The incidents stretched back to November.
After Clackamas County Sheriff's deputies arrested Dick, they searched his property and allegedly found a truck linked to the other flashing incidents, KGW reports.
Dick is charged with three counts of public indecency.
The Grisham man is a convicted sex offender. In 2008, KGW reports, Dick broke into an elderly woman's home while he was completely naked and tried to assault her.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/dick-masturbated-in-tickle-creek_n_6981096.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
The Death of Fake Reality Television, The Birth of 'Connected'
The group, including Omarosa Manigault, who officiated the event, gathered in Times Square to properly bid farewell to the reality television trends of yesteryear. The hope is that "Connected" will usher in a new, truer era of personal storytelling. The show, which was produced by Oscar-nominated documentarian Morgan Spurlock, focuses on six New Yorkers, all of whom were given a camera to document their lives over the course of six months. (Susan Sarandon, comic Derek Gaines and tech executives Eli and Ido Bendet-Taicher are among the show's stars.)
"This series pulls back the curtain on the world of over-produced, fabricated reality TV, and what emerges is raw emotion and real storytelling," Spurlock said in a statement in March. "The characters are truly brave and aspirational in what they share with the world." (The Huffington Post is owned by AOL.)
The first four episodes are available to watch right now. And to kick off the genre shift, Tila Tequila, Jon Gosselin and "Mob Wives" star Big Ang were among the participants in the fake funeral.
Even former "Jersey Shore" star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro participated, saying goodbye to "GTL" (gym, tan, laundry) by tossing a dumbbell, tanning lotion, and laundry detergent into the casket.
More on "Connected" can be found here.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/death-of-fake-reality-tv_n_6980540.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Japanese Shipping Company Advertises With ... Giant Pettable Cat Head??
On Tuesday, Kuroneko Yamato -- or Black Cat Yamato -- installed a a giant billboard that is nothing but a humongous cat’s face at Tokyo's Shibuya Station, according to Kotaku.com
The giant black cat face features plush, pettable fur, a nose with actual nostril holes big enough to fit a human han, and giant eyes that stare right through you, WTFark reports.
Although the billboard is attracting lots of selfies, it will be a while before w know if it increases business.
Kuroneko Yamato is no stranger to bizarre branding techniques.
Last July, Kuroneko Yamato started making employees wear pawprint gloves as a way to advertise that any parcels delivered by the company would be handled as delicately as a mother cat handles its own child, RocketNews24.com reports.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/giant-pettable-cat-head_n_6980866.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
The First Annual Huffington Post Weedvent Calendar
Weedvent is exactly like Advent, but without any of the meaning. Each day you come back to your Weedvent Calendar, a new video will appear. We've picked videos that we hope will educate you, outrage you, make you laugh and make you think.
As Budweiser might say: Happy 420, and please enjoy responsibly.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/weedvent-calendar_n_6979014.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Minnesota Professor Accused Of Smuggling Elephant Ivory And Rhino Horn
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A philosophy professor at St. Cloud State University is accused of conspiring to smuggle rhinoceros horns and elephant ivory out of the U.S. and into China.
Yiwei (EE'-way) Zheng was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges including smuggling and making a false statement to agents.
The Star Tribune reports Zheng was arrested Tuesday by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agents in St. Cloud. Zheng appeared in court, surrendered his passport and was released on $25,000 unsecured bond.
The indictment alleges Zheng conspired with two unnamed co-conspirators in a scheme that ran from 2006 through 2011.
According to the indictment, the black rhinoceros is listed as an engendered species and international trade in elephant ivory is largely banned.
A university spokesman said he can't comment due to the investigation.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/minnesota-professor-ivory-smuggling_n_6979664.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
This Romantic Disney World Proposal Is A Great Start To Happily Ever After
Hatch thought he was going out for drinks with a friend at Disney's Boardwalk in Florida, but upon his arrival, he was handed a card.
“Gavin, this very moment is the start of our new adventure together," it read. "You always talked about being in love like in the movies, however, all of the best love stories have one thing in common. You have to go against all odds to get there.”
Hatch continued to follow clues until he was met with a spectacular dance performance to Katy Perry's "Unconditionally" and, eventually, a proposal.
"I don't think Gavin had a clue what was going to happen to him that night," Santos told The Huffington Post. "I had to make up a few stories in order for all of this to be possible.”
Hatch said he was completely blown away by the proposal.
"When I was handed my first card, I knew Patrick was up to something ... as we continued to walk the boardwalk and I saw more and more of my friends, I started to think that it might be a proposal, but it just didn't hit me until I was handed the last card by my best friend," he told HuffPost. "I will admit though, I always knew that if Patrick was the one to pop the question, it would be a big and unforgettable event, and it sure was."
Well if that isn't the most romantic thing ever, we don't know what is.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/disney-world-proposal_n_6979250.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Michael Chico Posed As Cop To Cut Into Fast-Food Line: Police
Odessa police say Michael Chico was arrested after an off-duty officer spotted a truck with law-enforcement trappings. Cpl. Steve LeSueur (luh-SWEER') says Chico's vehicle looked like an unmarked police vehicle. The officer who saw the truck cut in line Saturday thought the driver, who was wearing a uniform, was a volunteer firefighter and followed Chico to some apartments.
LeSueur says that when confronted, Chico said he wasn't an officer and also used the lights and sirens to get through traffic lights.
Chico was freed Sunday on $15,000 bond. Online jail records don't list an attorney for him.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/michael-chico-posed-as-cop_n_6980288.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Woolly Mammoth Unearthed By Oil Workers In Siberia
While completing a land reclamation project near the Russian city of Nyagan, the workers noticed something odd in an earth-mover's bucket. When they looked closely, they realized they had unearthed the tusk of a female woolly mammoth, The Siberian Times reported on Monday.
"We have the rule -- if we find something, we stop the work and call the bosses," one of the workers, Vladimir Bednyakov, told the Times. "But I was also interested myself, in what this was. I took the shovel and began to dig... found more remains, the second tusk, teeth and other bones."
(Story continues below photo.)
Anton Rezvy, head of the paleontology department at the Khanty-Mansiysk Museum of Nature and Man in Russia, kneels beside the mammoth tusks.
The workers' employer, oil company Rosneft, asked the Khanty-Mansiysk Museum of Nature and Man to confirm the find and finish collecting the remains.
Anton Rezvy, the museum's paleontology coordinator, told the Times that the remains date back at least 10,000 years, adding that the mammoth was probably about 30 to 40 years old when she died.
The tusks and bones will likely take around six months to be cleaned and restored, Rezvy said. Genetic analysis will help determine whether the mammoth belonged the European or North American subspecies.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/mammoth-siberia-tusks-bones_n_6980096.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Amazon Introduces New Product Everyone Thinks Is A Joke, Confirms It's Real
The gadget bears the logo of your favorite brands -- Tide laundry detergent or Maxwell House coffee, for instance -- and sticks directly onto a flat surface in your home. When you run out of the corresponding product, you just push the button and a refill is dispatched to your house.
Twitter users wondered if it was a prank, but the company assured us it's not fooling around.
"Yes, it is real," an Amazon spokesperson said of the Dash Button.
A wide range of products from paper towels to cat food are available with the Dash Button. But it's only for Amazon Prime members, meaning plebs will have to stick to the crushingly slow method of opening an app on their pocket-sized miracle computer to order fresh garbage bags. (You do need a smartphone to set the device up, however, according to the Dash Button website.)
Perhaps to allay concerns that tykes could repeatedly slam on a Dash Button to send a torrent of Huggies to your front door, the device will register only the first press until the item is delivered.
Best of all, the buttons are free, presumably because they'll help you spend vast quantities of money on Amazon.
If you simply must have it, you can ask for an invitation here.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/amazon-dash-button-real_n_6979312.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
People Claiming To Have Kidnapped Denise Huskins Ask Cops To Apologize To Her
The San Francisco Chronicle reports Tuesday (http://bit.ly/1afbb1r) the anonymous person writes that Denise Huskins' ordeal was real and they want to clear her name.
Huskins' boyfriend called police March 23 to report she was abducted from their San Francisco Bay Area home. Huskins turned up safe Wednesday in Huntington Beach, where she says she was dropped off.
Hours later, police said the alleged kidnapping was a hoax. They have since declined to comment.
The Los Angeles Times also has received an anonymous email.
The emails include details about the alleged kidnapping, and refer to auto thefts and burglaries that the sender says his group committed.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/denise-huskins-apology_n_6979618.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Hilarious Grandma Poses In Real Estate Staging Photos, Becomes Hot Property
Yolie Ball, an 86-year-old grandmother who's selling her home in Davenport, Florida, is now a hot property after posing in some adorable real estate photos. They went viral courtesy of a tweet from her granddaughter, Makenzie Ball. (Our personal favorite: peeking through the doorway.)
— makenzie (@asapmakky) March 26, 2015
While BuzzFeed noted the staging pics weren't used in the actual listing, they have circulated faster than a realtor could dream, with tens of thousands of retweets (including one by Conan sidekick Andy Richter). And Ball is enjoying the attention.
“She’s just a very happy lady and it makes her ecstatic to make this many people smile!” Makenzie said to BuzzFeed.
According to Good Morning America, Ball's daughter Sandra was taking snaps for the listing when the grandmother decided to join the scenery. The results are pretty darn cute -- part photobomb-like and all adorable.
"If I had a dollar for every time someone tweeted me and said "LOL Does the grandma come with the house?" I would literally have $14,000," Makenzie wrote on Facebook.
Ball and her husband reportedly placed the house on the market about a month ago. "Hopefully after all this time the house will sell," the grandmother told AOL. "Not because we want to but because it's come to a stage in our life that our daughter is quite adamant that we be close to her."
So far, however, no buyer. "My grandma said a lot of people drove by while there were news crews outside," Makenzie told The Huffington Post on Tuesday. "The house is still on the market."
H/T Good Housekeeping
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/grandma-real-estate-photos_n_6977456.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Harvard's 'Frankenstein': The 70s Controversy Over Mixing DNA
This outrageous claim was leveled by one Alfred Vellucci, a Cambridge mayor who reserved a unique animosity for academia, and Harvard, especially. He was fond of threatening, for example, to pave the university's grassy quad over for a parking lot—obviously the best solution to Cambridge's parking woes.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/harvards-frankenstein_n_6979452.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Inside Mike Tyson's Dilapidated Former Mansion
In the late 80s and early 90s, former heavy weight champion of the world Mike Tyson lived in this grandiose (some might dare say gaudy) mansion in Southington, Ohio.
The 25,000 square-foot space sits on 60 acres and includes five bedrooms, several living spaces, seven-and-a-half bathrooms, a full kitchen, a mini-kitchen/washroom, two attached garages, one external garage, full size pool and Jacuzzi, tiger cages and a basketball court, according to Caters photo agency.
The most outrageous aspect of the home is the Jacuzzi room, which includes wall to wall to floor-to-ceiling marble and a ceiling mirror.
But after more than two decades of relative abandonment, the home has fallen into disrepair, with graffiti covering much of the property.
Now, the former abode of a man who said he wanted to eat children will be turned into a place for children, and other worshipers.
Nick Dejacimo, the mansion's current owner, said he wants to turn it into a "church campus."
"It really is a blessing," Dejacimo told photographer Johnny Choo. "We have a vision of completely redoing the entire place and having a church campus."
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/mike-tyson-mansion_n_6978316.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Florida Holiday Inn Wakes Up Spring Breakers By Blasting 'Lion King' Soundtrack Every Morning
In honor of that cycle, a Holiday Inn in Florida's Panama City Beach has developed a unique method of welcoming the annual swell of spring breakers intent on partying in its walls: Every morning at 11 a.m., the hotel blasts "The Circle of Life," the unmistakable theme song from Disney's 1994 classic, "The Lion King," encouraging guests to shake off any Scar-worthy hangovers and greet the world.
The soaring Elton John song is ideally suited to revive weary revelers, who respond by dutifully stepping onto their balconies and singing along as best they can.
Holiday Inn Marketing Director Philip Corvin told WJHG they first started playing the song in 2012 and never expected it would be so popular.
"It's the best thing ever," spring breaker Jessica Young told the outlet. "Every morning when we wake up we look forward to it -- it's like an entire Panama City Beach Holiday Inn family just singing together."
Non college-aged guests needn't worry: "We only do this for spring break," Colvin told ABC News.
In that case, Hakuna matata!
WATCH the magical moment in full, below:
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/florida-holiday-inn-lion-king-circle-of-life-video_n_6977434.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Ancient Egyptian Brewery Unearthed In Tel Aviv
Pottery shards unearthed recently at an archaeological dig in the city's downtown area suggest the presence of an ancient Egyptian brewery where the locals quaffed some cold ones back in the Bronze Age.
(Story continues below images).
A fragment of a basin that ancient Egyptians used to produce beer.
A bowl dating to the Early Bronze Age (around 3500 B.C.E.).
“Already thousands of years ago Tel Aviv was the city that never sleeps!” Diego Barkan, the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist who was directing the excavation, said in a written statement.
An unexpected find. Conducting a so-called "salvage excavation" before the construction of new office buildings, Barkan and his team found 17 pits believed to have been used to store produce around 3500-3000 B.C. Inside the pits, they discovered a 6,000-year-old dagger and flint tools, along with animal bones and hundreds of pottery shards dating back 5,000 years.
Some of the fragments -- including pieces of large basins -- contained straw and other materials that were consistent not with local pottery but with the ancient Egyptian pottery-making tradition.
A boozy staple. The finds suggest that the basins were used to brew a barley-and-fruit-based beer known to have been popular with ancient Egyptians of all ages. And that has the archaeologists rethinking conventional wisdom about the area's history.
"On the basis of previously conducted excavations in the region, we knew there is an Early Bronze Age site here, but this excavation is the first evidence we have of an Egyptian occupation in the center of Tel Aviv at that time," Barkin said in the statement. "This is also the northernmost evidence we have of an Egyptian presence in the Early Bronze Age."
Archaeologists are calling for additional research to determine whether the vessels were brought from Egypt or crafted by Egyptians living in Tel Aviv, according to the History Channel website.
Previous excavations suggested Egyptians were brewing beer in the Nile Delta region as early as the mid-fourth millennium B.C., according to AFP.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/ancient-egyptian-brewery_n_6977074.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Why We Blame Strange Events On The Full Moon, Even Though We Know Better
For centuries, the moon has been a socially acceptable explanation for any number of odd events. Some hospital workers even believe that there's a correlation between the full moon and the number of people admitted to emergency rooms or babies born.
But a new data analysis confirms what scientists have long known: The idea that the moon exerts any meaningful influence on human affairs is foolish.
The study, published earlier this month in the journal Nursing Research, revisited a body of research that found no link between moon cycles and hospital admissions or births. The studies also showed no correlation between moon cycles and patterns of criminal behavior, menstruation, depression, car accidents, surgery outcomes and other events sometimes thought to be associated with the full moon.
"Analysis of the data shows conclusively that the moon does not influence the timing of hospital admissions. This result is consistent with dozens of other studies spanning several decades," the author of the study, UCLA astronomer Jean-Luc Margot, told The Huffington Post in an email. "The Moon is innocent."
So why is it still so common for rational people to blame strange events or unfortunate occurrences on astrological happenings? Margot suggests that it has something to do with a common thinking error known as the "confirmation bias," which causes people to interpret information in a way that supports their pre-existing beliefs.
"We have a tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms our beliefs and to ignore data that contradict our beliefs," Margot said. "When life is hectic on the day of a full moon, many people remember the association because it confirms their belief. But hectic days that do not correspond with a full moon are promptly ignored and forgotten because they do not reinforce the belief."
But these beliefs aren't just frivolous, Margot explained -- they can be dangerous. Confirmation bias can fuel a number of other dangerous ideas, such as climate change denial and anti-vaccine movements.
"Beliefs often dictate actions, and the societal costs of flawed beliefs are enormous," Margot said. "Take the example of the anti-vaccine movement. Vaccine-preventable diseases are killing people because of beliefs that are out of step with scientific facts."
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/full-moon_n_6976380.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Watch Every Major Lamborghini Model Morphed Together Into 1 Sleek GIF
It's a lot cheaper to look than, say, spend $200,000-plus on the Italian automaker's current Huracan, the last of 19 sports car models in this sleek moving archive from PartCatalog.com.
From gathering side view images of the cars to producing the clip with image morphing software, the project took about a week to put together, a spokesman told The Huffington Post.
There's a lot of history in the GIF. In an ambitious move to take on Ferrari, Lamborghini unveiled its 350 GT in the first half of the 1960s and kept the high-performance machines coming.
Enjoy the ride.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/lamborghini-gif_n_6975396.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Phillip Poissonnier Called 911 About Bar Bill -- 12 Times: Police
Post Falls police Capt. Pat Knight says an officer gave Phillip Poissonnier of Post Falls a ride home after he was kicked out of Club Tequila just after 1 a.m. Monday. Knight tells Spokane, Washington, television station KXLY (http://is.gd/k21YQR ) that Poissonnier then made 12 emergency calls, the first wanting officers to come back to discuss his bar tab.
The TV station reports that a bartender produced Poissonnier's receipts showing he was charged $30 for the 10 beers he ordered.
Police say he faces a misdemeanor citation over misusing 911.
Poissonnier couldn't be reached by The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/phillip-poissonnier-called_n_6977820.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Mom's Viral Apology On Facebook Reminds Parents 'It Takes A Village'
After Wood posted her apology on the McAdory-McCalla Community News Facebook group, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office page shared a screenshot, along with the caption, "What do you think of the way this local mom is handling this situation? Looks like these children have great parents." That post has over 250,000 likes and 50,000 shares to date.
Within 24 hours, Wood's Facebook apology reached the mystery woman in question -- Rebecca Boyd of Adger, Alabama. According to ABC News, Boyd wrote in a comment:
"I am the mom from the movie theatre. I had taken my daughter to see Cinderella. I was very upset and disappointed in the girls behavior...the note from their mom brought me to tears and shows there is [sic] still good people in the world. I have no hard feelings towards them and I am proud of their parents. The girls are not not bad...they are children. Glad they are learning a lesson. I hope if my teenagers are out and they act up...I hope someone says something to them."
In an interview with Yahoo Parenting, Boyd said the girls' behavior at the movies consisted of giggling, talking loudly and even kicking her seat. When she turned around to ask them to stop, "they just giggled at me and continued with the same behavior.” Speaking to the girls after the movie, Boyd explained her situation and "told them they needed to realize that their behavior affects others and they never know what other people around them are going through.”
After seeing Wood's apology, Boyd sent her a Facebook message, and the two got to talking. Wood told AL.com, “I thanked her for correcting my girls in my absence and letting them know that they were wrong." She added, “A lot of times people get nervous about saying something to a stranger’s kids. But it takes a village to raise our kids. We as a community need to hear this, that there are parents out there who still believe in old-fashioned methods.”
In an interview with ABC News, the mom praised Boyd as a "gracious, kind, and forgiving woman." "I've been getting a lot of attention for this story but the real hero is her," Wood said, adding, "She took it upon herself to correct my girls and nobody else around them did."
ABC News reports since the post went viral, Boyd's husband has received several job offers. And as for Wood's daughters, the mom said they are "mortified," but will never behave this way again.
Indeed not.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/facebook-apology-kyesha-smith-wood-rebecca-boyd_n_6976588.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Dunkin' Donuts Wants You To Eat Oreo Cheesecake Squares For Breakfast
Behold, the Squares in all their sugary glory:
Available in April only, Dunkin' says these gluttonous stuffed donut squares are "filled with smooth and creamy cheesecake filling, frosted with white icing and finished with raspberry flavored candy or crumbled Oreo cookies."
The rest of Dunkin's new spring menu is surprisingly more savory than it is sweet. Possibly based on the company's success with its Tomato Mozzarella Supreme Bagel (or pizza bagel, as we like to call it), Dunkin' is trying out a Southwest Supreme Bagel. Described as "a plain bagel topped with melted Colby Jack cheese, corn, black beans, peppers, tomatoes, onions and spices," you can see it pictured below:
Other notable additions to the menu include a Snack 'N Go Steak Wrap and a Pretzel Roll Chicken Sandwich. The Pretzel Roll is breaded chicken with bacon, white cheddar cheese and honey mustard on a pretzel roll and seems like it could either be really good or really gross.
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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/dunkin-donuts-oreo-cheesecake-square_n_6977066.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
The Justin Bieber Roast Jokes You Didn't Get To Hear (NSFW)
"The Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber" was full of some incredible disses courtesy of roast master Kevin Hart, veteran roasters Jeff Ross and Natasha Leggero and newcomers, like Shaquille O'Neal and "SNL" cast member Pete Davidson. But don't forget, there's also a team of writers who pen some of the best burns at every roast.
Every year, comedian and longtime roast writer Jesse Joyce, who worked with the late, great Greg Giraldo, tweets out the jokes that didn't make the cut, either because they weren't used by the comics or they were edited out by Comedy Central.
Scroll down for 26 of the rejected insults and head over to Joyce's Twitter feed to see them all:
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/justin-bieber-roast-jokes-jesse-joyce_n_6976584.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Real-Life 'Tatooine' Planets With Two Suns May Be More Common Than Previously Thought
So far, mostly gas giant planets have been observed orbiting twin stars. But a new study suggests that rocky Earth-like planets can form in binary star systems -- and are likely quite common in the universe.
"Tatooine sunsets may be common after all," study co-author Dr. Ben Bromley, an astrophysicist at the University of Utah, said in a written statement. “For over a decade, astrophysicists believed that planets like Earth could not form around most binary stars, at least not close enough to support life."
(Story continues below image.)
In this acrylic painting, Bromley illustrates the view of a double sunset from an uninhabited Earth-like planet orbiting a pair of stars.
Astrophysicists had speculated that the uneven gravitational pull of twin stars would prevent orbiting rocks and dust from coalescing to form Earth-like planets -- and even send planet-forming material on destructive collision courses.
“Planets form like dust bunnies under your bed, glomming together to make larger and larger objects,” study co-author Dr. Scott Kenyon, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said in the statement. “When planets form around a binary, the binary scrambles up the dust bunnies unless they are on just the right orbit.”
The researchers used computer simulations and mathematical models to show that Earth-like planets could indeed form in a binary star system -- that is, if the planet-forming material orbits its host stars in a concentric, oval-shaped orbit. And the resulting rocky planets may be able to survive for tens of thousands of years, The Telegraph reported.
The takeaway, according to Bromley, is that it's just as easy for an Earth-like planet to form around a binary star as it is to form around a single star like our sun.
The study, “Planet Formation Around Binary Stars: Tatooine Made Easy,” was submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and uploaded to the online research archive arXiv.org on March 12, 2015.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/tatooine-planets-two-suns-common_n_6970532.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Hero Drives Jeep Off Tow Truck, Escapes In A Flash Of Glory (VIDEO)
We've all been there: You spend your hard-earned cash on a few groceries after a long day of work and think to yourself, "I deserve a coffee at that fancy hipster joint across the street." You do! But what you don't notice are the sharks circling your vehicle. The moment you walk out of the grocery store lot, your precious Toyota Camry is gone, on its way to the tow pound along with your dignity and temper.
This is our plight. But there is a shining light in our midst. A man willing to stand up for what's right. A Katniss Everdeen to our District 12. A King Leonidas to our Sparta. He's a Jeep owner in Chicago, and he's the first hero on record escaping a tow by driving his vehicle off the truck that victimized him.
In dramatic footage caught by Tony Marengo on Sunday night, the Jeep driver can be seen sitting in his vehicle -- which was atop the tow truck at the time -- yelling at the driver to stop. The tow truck pulls over.
"We could hear the guy in the driver’s seat of the car yelling out of the window," Marengo told NBC Chicago. "He was like, ‘Hey! Hey! Hey, buddy!'"
Then, our hero leaps into action, doing what none of us ever had the guts to do: He guns it, and makes a clean getaway (video above).
We'll go out on a limb and assume that the mean old tow truck driver got the Jeep's info before the great escape -- but it's a small victory, and a small victory we'll take.
May the odds be ever in your favor, Jeep driver.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/jeep-drives-off-tow-truck-video_n_6976486.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
This Is One Of The Most Shocking Scientology Stories Not In 'Going Clear'
Miscavige is the wife of the Church's current leader, David Miscavige, and member of the Church's Sea Organization (Sea Org). According to Lawrence Wright's book on which Gibney's film is based, she disappeared in June 2006 and has not been seen publicly seen August 2007. Her official whereabouts are still unknown.
According to investigations by Wright and journalist and Scientology critic Tony Ortega, while David Miscavige was away in 2006, Shelly Miscavige appointed positions in the Chuch's Org Board. It was a task her husband had been struggling with and had reportedly threw "maddening and relentless" tirades over. In Going Clear, Wright reveals that when David Miscavige returned home, Shelly's mood had noticeably changed, according to her brother-in-law, John Brousseau. Soon after she disappeared.
Actress and former Scientologist Leah Remini drew the most public attention to Shelly Miscavige's vanishing when she took action and questioned the Church. According to former Sea Org member Mike Rinder, Remini asked about Shelly Miscavige's whereabouts at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' 2006 wedding. Remini was reportedly scolded for asking about it and later “was put through interrogations and blacklisted within the church," according to the New York Post.
After defecting from the Church in June of 2013, Remini filed a missing person report on the leader's wife. Hours after filing the report, the Los Angeles Police Department ruled it "unfounded." The LAPD also did not comment to Wright about Shelly Miscavige's whereabouts.
While Wright reported on Shelly Miscavige's disappearance in his book, it is not mentioned in Gibney's documentary. At a press screening of the film last week, the director addressed the omission saying, "The Shelly Miscavige story, had we profiled different kinds of people, might have made it into the final film." Although Gibney had hours of extra footage that he ended up cutting -- which he said he would ideally like to release with HBO in the future -- the director told Business Insider that none of the filmed material involved the Church leader's missing wife.
Ortega echoed this to The Huffington Post over email on Monday, writing that he believes Shelly Miscavige was left out of the film so viewers could walk away with two important questions: "Why does Scientology still have tax exempt status, and how can Tom Cruise remain silent?"
The journalist, whose reporting has broken news and revealed details about Miscavige's possible whereabouts, added that even if she were found, he doesn't believe she'd willingly leave the Church. "Her story would take a considerable amount of time to tell, and ultimately, does she really want to be rescued? I'm doubtful about that."
While the Church hasn't commented on Shelly Miscavige's whereabouts, Brousseau told Ortega that she's been at the secretive Church of Spiritual Technology headquarters in Hemet, California. Sources have told Ortega that she is working there, archiving Hubbard's printed words on steel plates.
But Shelly Miscavige is just one of the many shocking Scientology stories left out of "Going Clear."
"Ultimately we were focusing on our characters," Gibney said at the screening, "and rather to do a bit of stone-skipping and trying to cover everything, we tried to focus."
The Church has publicly spoken out against the film. Reps for Remini said the actress was not available to comment.
"Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison on Belief is now playing in select theaters and on HBO.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/shelly-miscavige-scientology-going-clear_n_6972060.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Figuring Out Your Crush's Age Can Be Hilariously Complicated
Wong Fu Productions' "How Old Is She?!" hilariously peeks at one dude's dilemma when he approaches a woman at a cafe. Maybe if he drops just one more pop culture reference, he'll figure it out.
Or not.
H/T Tastefully Offensive
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/how-old-is-she_n_6972410.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Starbucks To Release New Dannon Smoothies, Hummus And Chicken Wraps
According to a press release, Starbucks will begin selling new Thai-Style Peanut Chicken wraps and Edamame Hummus wraps on March 31. The Thai-Style Peanut Chicken wraps are made of grilled white chicken, chili lime veggie slaw and ginger cream cheese wrapped in a chili tortilla. They'll come with a spicy peanut coconut sauce and grapes on the side.
The Edamame Hummus wrap is made of edamame hummus (duh), zucchini, bell peppers, spinach and a garlic-herb cheese spread served in a spinach tortilla and will come with roasted tomato sauce and sesame flax crackers on the side. Both wraps will have less than 500 calories and retail for $5.95 each.
With the new food items comes another venture -- a new partnership with Dannon and Evolution Fresh called Evolution Fresh™ Smoothies. The smoothies will come in Sweet Greens, Strawberry and Mango Carrot flavors.
Seemingly playing off popular health trends, Starbucks says the smoothies are "Made from only cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices, proprietary Greek nonfat yogurt, a dash of nutmeg and ice, these smoothies are free from added sweeteners, preservatives, colors and flavors." According to the same statement, customers will also be able to add things like fresh kale, protein powder or extra Greek yogurt into their smoothies, which should come in around 170-230 calories. A 16 oz. smoothie will retail for $5.95.
A Starbucks that serves kale in a smoothie bar? And Thai-style chicken wraps? That'll take some getting used to. Another shot of espresso, please.
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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/new-starbucks-smoothies-wraps_n_6972814.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
VIDEO: Drained Lake Reveals Its Secrets
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/video-drained-lake-reveal_n_6976370.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
How Police And Prosecutors Are Treating 'Rapping While Black' Like A Crime
But what happens when a rapper's lyrics are used against them, cherry-picked by police and prosecutors and held up as evidence of a crime? A number of recent cases have highlighted this concern, reigniting debate around the controversial practice and how it is applied exclusively to rap music.
Last week, a San Diego judge threw out felony conspiracy charges against Brandon Duncan, a 33-year-old rapper who goes by the stage name Tiny Doo. He had been accused of contributing to gang activity. Prosecutors offered the lyrics of Duncan's self-produced mixtape, released in 2014, as proof. Duncan had faced the possibility of life in prison under a 2000 California law that has been used to crack down on gang activity and those who promote or benefit from it. In some cases, however, critics claim the law is also used to criminalize black culture.
“This is one of the most disturbing examples of where kids are using poetry to get out of the hood and we are sending them right back in,” Erik Nielson, a professor at the University of Richmond who has studied the prosecution of rap lyrics extensively, told The Huffington Post.
Duncan was being prosecuted under California's Street Terrorism and Prevention Act, or STEP Act, which deems it illegal to “willfully promote” or “benefit” from criminal gang activity. At the time of Duncan's arrest, he had no criminal record and no idea that he was facing nine felony conspiracy charges based almost entirely on rap lyrics published in his latest album, “No Safety.” Prosecutors argued that the material in the mixtape -- which includes lyrics like “Ain't no safety on this pistol I'm holding," and a sample of a speech by Black Panther Fred Hampton, also used by electronic artist Thievery Corporation -- had inspired a series of local rival gang shootings the year before.
Duncan claimed he was not a gang member, and that he hadn't even profited from his mixtape. One fact was never in doubt throughout the legal proceedings: Prosecutors did not believe Duncan was directly involved in any of the gang crimes. But they maintained they had enough evidence to link Duncan's rap lyrics -- which he says reflected his experience growing up in a rough San Diego neighborhood -- to crimes allegedly committed by other gang members.
“What is so frightening and disturbing about his case is that they were going to essentially pin the whole murder charge on this outrageous theory that because he was a rapper, his street credibility and therefore his popularity in records sales would have increased as a result,” Nielson said.
Duncan spent seven months behind bars after his arrest. Earlier this year, he posted bail after successfully petitioning to have it reduced from $500,000 to $50,000. While Duncan’s charges were ultimately dropped, his case highlights a disturbing trend of rap lyrics being used in courtrooms across the country, often in the absence of more traditional forms of hard evidence to link suspects to a crime.
“It is a cheap way to get a conviction, and we found in many cases that prosecutors are likely to do so when they don't have much evidence otherwise,” Nielson said. “No one seems to understand the severity of the problem.”
In one such case in 2000, up-and-coming rapper McKinley "Mac" Phipps was charged with first-degree murder after a concertgoer was shot during one of his performances near New Orleans. Phipps had no prior criminal record, and prosecutors for the state had no forensic evidence to tie him to the murder. Instead, they turned to his rap lyrics to attack his character. In his closing statement, Assistant District Attorney Bruce Dearing took lyrics from Phipps' song "Murda, Murda, Kill, Kill” and stitched them together with altered lyrics from another song, "Shell Shocked," presenting them to the all-white jury as proof that Phipps was a killer.
"This defendant who did this is the same defendant whose message is, 'Murder murder, kill, kill, you f**k with me you get a bullet in your brain,'" he said. "You don't have to be a genius to figure out that one plus one equals two."
The actual lyrics, "Ya f--k with me, he'll give you a bullet in yo brain," were about Phipps' father, a Vietnam War veteran. But the jury bought Dearing's simple math and found Phipps guilty. He was eventually sentenced to 30 years in jail.
"The rap got his mind all messed up," jury foreman Robert Hammell told The Huffington Post of the jury's decision to convict. "He was living a life that he thought he was a gangsta. He was making it big time with the gold chains and all that s**t that went with it. To shoot somebody in a public place on the dance floor, you gotta think you're a bad son of a b***h."
In the past few months, the prosecution’s witnesses have come forward and recanted their testimony, citing bullying by authorities who allegedly forced them to lie under oath. The allegations have added another wrinkle to an already complicated case, and again led to questions about how significant Phipps' lyrics were in obtaining a conviction.
Rap music -- and particularly what has become known in some circles as "gangster rap" -- often delves into violent and obscene topics. It's not unusual for these songs to cover details of actual events. But rap is also a genre in which stories are regularly told through the lens of a fictional persona assumed by the artist. With the success of amateur rappers often relying on their ability to come across as authentic in their music, performers may recount episodes that are well-known in a community but that they themselves weren't necessarily a part of. In other instances, rappers might simply embellish or fabricate details of an encounter or their involvement in it, in an effort to advance their career. The criminal justice system often appears disinterested in these nuances.
Critics also say there's a clear racial dynamic in how rap lyrics are seized upon and used against suspects.
“A lot of people have a difficult time viewing young men of color and frequent producers of rap lyrics as artists in the first place,” Nielson said. “It's a potent tool for prosecutors because, frankly, they can serve a guilty verdict by playing into those stereotypes.”
In effect, people are more willing to take the content of a song at face value if the lyrics reinforce racially charged preconceptions about young, black males, particularly regarding sexuality and violence.
This makes rap a perfect weapon for law enforcement and prosecutors. Police have been encouraged to parse rap songs to see if they can make a connection between lyrics and unsolved crimes. As NPR noted in 2014, a sergeant for a Virginia gang task force told a German newspaper that his officers regularly scour social networks and amateur videos for potential clues, effectively spending about as much time on the computer as they do on the street. In 2006, the FBI advised prosecutors to examine suspects' rap lyrics, suggesting they should be considered literal reflections of "true-life experiences."
Prosecutors have introduced lyrics both as evidence of an actual crime, and of a suspect's supposed capacity to commit a crime. There are concerns that rap music is regularly misinterpreted or deliberately manipulated in these legal settings, leading to unfair trials that can end with an innocent person being convicted. And the controversy stemming from these practices extends beyond Duncan and Phipps.
In 2014, Antwain Steward was convicted on weapons charges linked to a 2007 double-murder in Newport News, Virginia. Steward was charged years later, after a detective assigned to the case was tipped off to a YouTube video of his song, “Ride Out,” which police said boasted about his role in the shootings. While there were clear discrepancies between the lyrics and the details of the crime, the prosecution brought forth witnesses that, years later, corroborated their claims that Steward was the shooter. During the trial, the defense cast doubt on the credibility of these witnesses. The prosecution objected to any mention of the lyrics that had led to the trial in the first place. The jury found Steward not guilty on the murder charges, but guilty on the weapons charges. He is now serving a 16-year jail sentence.
In Pennsylvania, Vonte Skinner is currently standing trial for a third time on charges that he shot and paralyzed a drug dealer in 2005. Skinner had previously been convicted for the crime and given a 30-year jail sentence after prosecution introduced rap lyrics as evidence of his violent predisposition and involvement in the shooting. The New Jersey Supreme Court later overturned that ruling, declaring his rap lyrics inadmissible and offering him another trial.
In March 2014, The New York Times reported that rap lyrics had played a significant part in nearly 40 prosecutions over the preceding two years. In a recent article for Vox, Nielson and co-author Michael Render -- the rapper better known as Killer Mike -- say they've "identified hundreds of cases so far, and we suspect that's just the tip of the iceberg."
Nielson told HuffPost these cases expose a deeply flawed double standard in determining what is real and what is metaphorical when it comes to artistic expression. He believes “the rules of evidence should automatically preclude the introduction of rap as evidence.” Such lyrics, Nielson says, should be protected as a nuanced art form, not put up for analysis under the hyper-literal mindset typically undertaken in the courtroom.
"The vast majority of aspiring rappers are spending hours a day working on rap music ... to escape a life of violence, not to perpetuate it."
Even if a guilty defendant is prosecuted and convicted with the help of rap lyrics, should those words be allowed to serve as a replacement for more traditional forms of evidence? Do we think it's fair for a prosecutor to tell a jury that they must judge a rap song's lyrics as an honest reflection of the artist's mental psyche, especially knowing the underlying racial biases likely to be at play? And more generally, which forms of expression should be protected and which should be allowed to be used against the person expressing them? The Supreme Court will take up this last question in a case later this year.
Enabled by murky legal territory, cultural ignorance and engrained racial bias, police and prosecutors have been rewarded for criminalizing aspects of an art form overwhelmingly practiced by young, black men. Nielson believes there's a particularly troubling irony in this trend of targeting.
“What most people are missing is that the vast majority of aspiring rappers are spending hours a day working on rap music and, regardless of the content, the reason they are doing it is to escape a life of violence, not to perpetuate it."
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/rap-music-prosecutions_n_6949078.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
11 Weird Things You Didn't Know You Could Bring On A Plane (Including Antlers)
While there is a long lists of things you shouldn't pack in your luggage, there is also a long list of weird things you actually can bring. Take a look at what we discovered you can bring, and always make sure to check before you fly, as rules could change in a jiffy.
1. Antlers
Though this might be surprising for non-hunters, bringing antlers on a plane is allowed on almost all American airline carriers. Most usually charge a small fee (anywhere from $20 to $200) and ask that the antlers be cleaned and properly wrapped to the best of your ability.
2. Kayaks and bikes
Many airlines let you pack sporting equipment like kayaks, bikes, snowboards and surfboards. It's worth doing some research before you lug it to the airport, as not all airlines allow all types of items, and certain airlines will make you break down equipment (like your bike) and pack it a certain way.
3. Lighters
One lighter is approved for carry-on luggage, but two lighters or more with fluid must be checked in Department of Transportation-approved cases. People traveling with lighters without fluid may bring as many as they want in the checked luggage.
4. Fishing rods
The TSA says fishing rods are allowed on as either carry-on or checked luggage, but ultimately the decision rests with your airline carrier. So before you trek that fishing gear all the way to the airport, just make sure you can actually bring it on the plane.
5. Human remains
According to a TSA rule, cremated human remains are allowed onboard or in checked baggage. Some airlines do not allow crematory remains as checked baggage, so be sure to check with your airline before flying. For carry on, crematory remains should be placed in a wood, cardboard or plastic container, as metal urns might not be allowed through security.
6. Parachutes
You can bring a parachute in your carry-on or checked luggage. Just make sure the rig is separated from other parts of your luggage, and arrive half an hour early in case the TSA wants to ask you some questions.
7. Pie and cake
Yep, you can bring your pie or cake through security, though it might require a little additional screening.
8. Ice skates and rollerblades
Yep, ice skates and rollerblades are TSA-approved items for either carry-on or checked bags. So whether you're going to Canada or Florida, you'll be prepared.
9. Wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers
Make sure your tools are less than 7 inches long, and you can bring them onboard or check them with your luggage.
10. Knitting needles
As long you don't bring circular thread cutters or any cutter with a blade through security, the TSA says you can bring knitting needles on the plane. If you do happen to have thread cutters or needles with blades, just make sure those go in your checked luggage.
11. Wrapped gifts
If you're bringing them as your carry-on (which is totally allowed), just note that TSA agents might have to unwrap the gift if they think they see something suspicious. So while you can bring it on the plane, it might be best to wrap it at your final destination.
Happy travels!
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/17/what-can-you-bring-on-plane_n_6886064.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Monday, 30 March 2015
Gonzo And The Muppets Do Digital Underground's 'Humpty Dance' In New Mashup Video
Gonzo, of course, plays the role of Shock G, which is fitting since the rapper is known to don an unusual artificial schnoz when he adopts the Humpty Hump persona.
The clip is the latest from YouTuber isthishowyougoviral, a.k.a. Mylo the Cat.
Mylo the Cat has become something of an expert in Muppets mashups, having previously riffed on Biz Markie's "Just A Friend," The Beastie Boys' "So What’cha Want," Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" and "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/gonzo-humpty-dance_n_6973820.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Papa Dimitri's Classic Pizza A Front For Pot Business: Cops
On Friday, authorities arrested Ryan Dimitri Brooks Sr., 27, the owner of Papa Dimitri's Classic Pizza and Ice Cream; his mother, Rosalyn Mary Brooks, 61; grandmother Joyce Elaine Merkley, 82, and a woman he lived with, Lena Shalay Kirk, 24, according to TwinCities.com.
They were each charged with multiple felonies including conspiracy to sell marijuana; cocaine possession; engaging in business of concealing criminal proceeds; and illegal possession of a handgun by a felon.
Authorities began investigating Papa Dimitri's Pizza last August after getting a tip that the restaurant was rarely open and didn't seem to do a lot of business, KARE TV reports.
According to the criminal complaint obtained by the station, Papa Dimitri's employees complained about a lack of heat despite the presence of pizza ovens. The workers also chose to eat at a nearby burger restaurant rather than the pizzeria.
Yelp reviews weren't very positive either. One customer griped, "I've defrosted better pizza on my engine block. A cracker thin crust with greasy cheese. Overpriced and slow as heck."
During a six days in November, investigators said the restaurant counted five customers and and four deliveries, KARE TV reports.
"My initial thought was how does this business stay afloat when I first saw it," Franz Rauch, manager of a neighboring computer store, told the station.
Ryan Brooks took over the pizza parlor in 2010 and deposited $189,891.82 in cash in bank accounts between Jan. 1, 2013 and Oct. 31, 2014, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
In October, a U.S. Postal Inspector told police that the Postal Service had intercepted three packages sent to Merkley's home and one to the pizzeria containing more than 37 pounds of marijuana.
In November, another package addressed to Merkley containing five pounds of marijuana had been intercepted before reaching her home, the newspaper reports.
A correctional officer who knew Brooks when he was in jail several years ago said that the suspect allegedly admitted he had previous used a pizza parlor to launder drug money. The officer also alleged that Brooks had "utilized pizza boxes and bags to deliver marijuana under the guise of making pizza deliveries,” according to the Duluth News Tribune.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/papa-dimitris-classic-piz_n_6973024.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Fred And Robert Durst: Can You Spot The Difference?
The once-and-future bizkit posted an Instagram photo on Thursday showing himself wearing a hoodie indicating that he is not accused murderer Robert Durst.
The photo came 10 days after the Associated Press mixed the two up, prompting them to issue the following correction:
In the second item of the California 10th NewsMinute sent March 16 to users of the state broadcast wire, The Associated Press reported erroneously that Robert Durst is a member of a band. He is a real estate heir; Fred Durst is a member of the band Limp Bizkit.
Besides a shared last name, the 44-year-old musician has almost nothing in common with Robert Durst, a 71-year-old real estate tycoon and subject of the recent HBO miniseries “the Jinx” who was charged earlier this month with the killing of a friend in 2000.
Even so, Fred’s shirt suggests some people might be confused. Are you one of them? Take our quiz below and put your ability to detect the difference to the test.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/fred-durst-not-robert-photo_n_6970790.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com
Meteorologist Forgets Coat Hanger In Suit, Awkwardly Pulls It Out Mid-Broadcast
Fox9 Minneapolis meteorologist Steve Frazier had a bit of a fashion emergency earlier this week when he forgot to remove the coat hanger from his suit jacket, then wore it on-air. Frazier, understandably uncomfortable, opted to deal with the hang-up during the broadcast, stopping mid-sentence to awkwardly remove the unsuitable object:
"I'm sorry," he says in the clip, stopping a report about chill as he gropes his hand around behind his neck and the hosts look on, bewildered.
"The chill has a kink in your neck?" one of the anchors asks, as the other stares with an open mouth.
"I've got... never mind, forget it!" Frazier laughs as he pulls the offending hanger out of his coat, tosses it onto the anchor desk, then throws his hands up in defeat.
That moment when you're on air and realize you left the hanger in your suit... @FrazierFox9 #OhMyGosh pic.twitter.com/y1CquDbuH1
— FOX 9 News (@MyFOX9) March 28, 2015
The anchors cradle their heads in their hands, laughing, while Frazier haltingly explains, "I... I thought it was just the tight button, but never mind, let's... can we just go to the weather? I couldn't... I... never mind."
Later in the broadcast, while laughter sounds off-camera, Frazier pauses the weather report to again defend himself.
"Let me tell you the story," he says. "I went to the gym today and this suit was fitting tight. I couldn't figure out why, and ... I must've put it on a little too quick."
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/30/meteorologist-weatherman-coat-hanger-suit-video_n_6970686.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird+News and provided by entertainment-movie-news.com